That's right, Dean Karnazes. The Michael Jordan of ultras. I kind of got a kick out of randomly seeing that so close to my run. I'll take it as a good omen. Another thought that Dean had, which I will shamelessly steal, probed why people are the way they are...mainly, lazy.
In his book Ultramarathon Man, Dean notes that somewhere along the line, people began to confuse happiness with comfort. As long as you feel good, you must be happy. For all of you out there who are athletes, especially runners, bikers, and triathletes...you know this is absolutley not the case. Suffering is what we do. If you can sit down at the end of day and watch Roseanne for hours without any ice on your legs or asprin your body, then really, have you worked all that hard? So remember that next time you are laid up in the Lay-Z-Boy with a bag of Cheetos. Your not happy, you're lazy...and maybe fat.
Run hard.
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