Wednesday, April 16, 2008

All I Need

It's about 4:30 AM Wednesday the 16th. I'm sitting here enjoying a large cup of coffee, FoxNews, and the world wide web as I welcome another beautiful looking day. What else does a man need in the morning?

It's about this time when during my run I'll be near miles 75 (hopefuly). I'm sure that at that time, that morning, I'll be thinking there's plenty I need.

Look, I really want to avoid getting all sappy and what-not here, so I'll just get right to the point. This race isn't about the hugeness of the challenge or trying to get noticed in papers. It's about raising money and awareness for cancer. This thing is crucial and it means a hell of a lot to me.

In short, this disease has made me take a look at what's important in life. Yeah, there are things I want and even things that I need...but, there are also those things (people, rather) that you love. Cancer can take all three. So this morning, hug your mom, hug your dad, tackle your brother as he walks out the door, call grandpa, take your dorky sister out to lunch, make fun of your girlfriend's accent. Yeah, right now this coffee and FoxNews are hitting the spot...are all I need. But they aren't what's most important. Know what's important.

Run hard.

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