Saturday, February 2, 2008

Pain Game

Pain has proven to be a remarkable part of my training. Don't get me wrong, I knew there would be some kind of discomfort, but I wasn't ready for this. It's an almost euphoric feeling that comes and goes in waves. After a few hours it starts to come in cycles associated with a kind of drowsiness that I can only liken to how you feel when you're on pain killers...or maybe just a lot of nyquil.

Anywho, we're in Alexandria for the weekend. Training this week has consisted of two 3-hour runs and handful of 2-hour and morning runs. I started running with some people who wanted to volunteer to help, and oddly enough everybody is hanging tough and wants to come back for more. While that's encouraging, I think it's safe to say that I'm still the only one willing to run even .1 over 26.2 miles.

So what's on tap for this weekend? Rest. Training is exhausting and I may yet be feeling the side effects of the 33 miles on MLK day. I tend to be OK for a few hours and then I suddenly feel like I've been run over and need to sleep. This, like the pain I feel on runs, comes in cycles. So today, tomorrow and maybe Monday I plan to sleep, eat, and rest. Sunday is the Super Bowl (go Giants) and I plan to reap the benefits of doing nothing.

I'm pleased to announce that we are over $250 on our fundraising! However, our goal is $10,000. So maybe we won't celebrate just yet. Run hard, take it easy.

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