I just started a new book about ultra-running by Pam Reed. In it she talks about how she's struggled with anorexia athletica, which is basically anorexia for the sake of being competitive in a sport. Throughout the book she lists 10 or 12 criteria that you need to meet to be clinically diagnosed. While going through the list I realized that with the exception of two or three, I meet all the criteria. Now, not to slight the seriousness of anorexia (or any eating disorder), but I think it's kind of funny that I fall into this category. I've always joked about being neurotic about running, but there's just no way I'm anorexic. I always mentally take note of what I'm about to eat and then compute that into how it will affect training for today and tomorrow, but I don't usually curtail what I plan to eat unless there is a race the next day. Anywho, it's a fascinating book and is making me take a whole new look at my nutrition for this race, and in general. Not that I plan to make any profound changes, but if you're an information nerd like me, it's cool to read.
We met with the BR Tri club yesterday. I'm not sure exactly how well I was received, but I did speak to the entire club, left a handfull of fliers, and did get a solid promise from one member to "hook us up."
I've got a run at four today with a friend. We'll probably get about an hour and a half. It's been a struggle this week to keep from running and rest after my six hour run on Monday. Next week looks sunny...can't wait.
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