A very wise friend once told me, "It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye or gets pregnant. Then no amount of "I'm sorry" will fix anything." Well, fortunately, I have both my eyes and I'm not pregnant...but that's about all that's been going well for me lately. My sick day turned into a sick week. Big Dave tried to argue the point that if I'm feeling crappy then I should take the day off and wait for a more productive day to train. My reasoning, however, was that the very essence of this race is that it's going to suck, so I need to be familiar with pushing through feelings of "I'm over it." So I've continued to push through it up until about a day ago. I was barely able to run longer that 45 minutes without tapping into my gels for energy.
Today makes the second day of no physical activity and I'll probably wait till late tomorrow to try and get in an easy 30 min run. I've also been fighting some brutal shin splints in my right leg. Ice and Asprin are all I have for that ailment, but hopefully this three day hiatus will ease that too. Also tomorrow I've got a meeting with Pat Fellows to try and get down to the fine details of raising money. The whole media blitz is pending briefly, just until we can get a few more things organized. As for now, I'm back to my bottle of NyQuil and a copy of Star Wars. Peace.
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