Sunday, March 30, 2008

Live via Sunny South Florida

After 12 1/2 hours of bliss in the car, we finally made it to Sebastian, FL. The weather report consistently called for rain this weekend, but I'm yet to see a drop. Yesterday morning, after coffee with my grandpa, I suited up and did my own triathlon. I drafted off of cars on a 20 mile bike ride, ran through a huge park where a boat and antique car show was going on, and then jumped in the Atlantic. The Atlantic swim didn't last too long. In addition to just not being real fond of water, I also had ten foot waves to contend with. I decided that 15 minutes was enough.

Today is my cousin's, Meghan, wedding. It starts at either two or four...I can't remember, but I'm sure I'll be directed as needed. Florida is definitely the best place in the south to train. I've got it all at my finger tips...and if you happen to be able to squeeze in a party with the family, well then party on Wayne.

Happy running!

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